Alta Debug Info

Alta latest version:v18.0.0-alpha.1

AVB-UI version:test (currently using)
v8.0.0 (latest)

Deployed branch:AP-270/react-18-up-test

Deployment build time:July 31, 2024 12:29:17 PM PDT

Commit hash:7710c6c40

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    • Purchase a qualifying 3-piece package and earn $500
    • Purchase a qualifying 4-piece package and earn $750
    • Purchase a qualifying 5-piece package and earn $1100
    • Purchase a qualifying 6-piece package and earn $1500

    *Offer valid 7/11/2024 — 12/31/24. Rebate issued via VISA Prepaid Card. See rebate form for eligible appliances.
    **Dishwashers do not qualify as a choice in a 2-piece package and a maximum of 2 dishwasher units per claim in packages 4 or more.

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